
International summer school on religion and public life

A Mosaic of Margins: Ethnicity, Religion and Belonging
(Sofia, Plovdiv, Rhodopa Mountains, Bulgaria)
July 4-July 18th, 2011

The International Summer School on Religion and Public Life (ISSRPL) is a unique, global initiative providing an annual international, inter-religious summer school of approximately two weeks. Each year the school explores critical issues around religion and society that impact the nature of community. It  combines pluralistic perspectives on religious thought with social scientific research on tolerance, civil society and an open, dialogic, approach to pedagogic practice.

The 2011 ISSRPL will be centered in Bulgaria and devoted to the different types of margins that we encounter in our social life. We will look at people, places, families, ethnicities, religions and practices,all from the perspective of our received notions of society’s centers and its margins. Together we shall explore issues of poverty and its role in the marginalization of certain populations. Through our unique combination of lectures and more experiential learning, we shall also study the situation of the Roma in the areas where we visit, as well
as of the Bulgarian Pomaks (ethnic Bulgarians who converted to Islam during the Ottoman period) and of both traditional and emergent Muslim communities (and identities) in Bulgaria. The international nature of our group and pedagogy will provide a crucial comparative perspective on these issues and their attendant

By approaching the problem of belonging through society’s most marginal sectors, we hope to gain new understandings into the changing nature of politics, of religious and ethnic identities and of the terms of civic commitment and belonging. Twenty years after the end of communism the boundaries of society have entered into a state of seemingly permanent flux and reconfiguration with ethnic and religious groups playing new and important roles in setting social agendas and defining social desiderata. The historical role of the Orthodox Church in the formation of Bulgarian national identity, has for example taken on a new saliency and importance, playing out in multiple (and highly contested) political forms. Membership in (and indeed the expansion of) the EU has also played a critical role in redefining both centers and peripheries, margins and their boundaries, in multiple realms; political, social, religious, ideological, economic, etc. and these too will serve as an important locus of our study and time together.

Our local hosts in Bulgaria for the 2010 program are: the Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, Association on Refugees and Migrants, etc.

As in the past, the ISSRPL combines pluralistic perspectives on religious thought with social scientific research on tolerance, civil society and an open, dialogic, approach to pedagogic practice. Its goal is to transform both the theoretical models and concrete practices through which religious orientations and secular models of politics and society engage one another. Its guiding principle is that in order to build relations of tolerance and understanding between groups and to shape a civil society, the perceived barrier between secular, modern and more traditional religious values must be broken down. Political orientations and social practices must be developed that will draw on both religious traditions and the insights of secular modernity in new and creative ways. The program is centered on three academic courses together with intense processes of group building and the construction of working relationships across religious and ethnic identities. The didactic goals of the
conference are social as well as cognitive. It is expected that, as a result of attendance at the school, fellows develop and operationalize programs in their home countries.

We look forward to a small but select group of international fellows who may include, religious elites, NGO leaders, school teachers, major actors in the non-profit and third-sectors, as well as political leaders and members of the business communities of different countries. Fellows will be joined by an international faculty and so comprise a cohort from the Americas, the Balkans, Central and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, Western Europe and elsewhere. The success of the school has always depended on the wide range
of people, commitments and views presented. It is through the intense encounter with the truly different that we are forced to rethink our fundamental assessments and so break-through to new ways of knowing, thinking, feeling, and hence, acting.

Please join the summer school.

The deadline for receiving applications is 25 March 2011.


All applications should be sent electronically as a Word document to the Admissions Office at admissions@issrpl.org. Any questions or problems should also be directed to admissions@issrpl.org.

Documents to Be Attached:
Curriculum Vitae
Short Essay


(Извор: www.infostud.com, 1.2.2011.)

Last Updated (Tuesday, 01 February 2011 13:58)


Stipendija-Your World, Your Future

Opis stipendije:

Young people, representing nearly 50 percent of the world’s population, have a major stake in the key decisions on global peace and security made every day at the Security Council.  It is time for their voices to be heard.  On December 21, the United States will chair an important Security Council Event entitled “Your World, Your Future:  Voices of a New Generation” that will bring the 15 members of the Council together to debate three top ideas submitted by young people.

The U.S. Mission to the United Nations is accepting videos and written submissions from young people around the world who respond to the following question:

“What is the most vital challenge to international peace and security facing your generation? Tell the UN Security Council what issue you believe deserves more attention, and explain why it is important.”

Voices of a New Generation


* All text entries must be 250 words or fewer in length.
* All video entries must be 1 minute or less in duration and reside on the web (via link) or removable hard disk.
* Email attachments exceeding 1 MB of disk space will not be considered.
* Entrants must be between the ages of 13 and 21 at the time of submission.
* The country and age of each entrant must clearly be indicated in the body of the submission to be considered.
* Please also include your name (First, Last) and contact information, where you can be reached to inform you that your submission has been selected.
* This information will be used for the express purpose of selecting and notifying participants whose submissions have been chosen for consideration by the Security Council.
* Video submissions should be original and unpublished work.
* Submitted videos must be recorded in one of the six official languages of the UN Security Council – English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian – or in any other language with English subtitles

- Emailed to youth@state.gov, or

ATTN: Voices of a New Generation
U.S. Mission to the UN, PPD
799 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017

Submissions will end on December 14, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time in New York. Any entry submitted after this time will not be accepted. Any video modified after the deadline will not be eligible.

Selections will be announced on December 20, 2010 at www.usun.state.gov/youth, on Facebook and onTwitter.

Zemlja studiranja:
online konkurs
Rok za konkurisanje:


(Izvor informacija: www.infostud.com, 10.12.2010.)

Last Updated (Friday, 10 December 2010 07:31)


Praksa u Ministarstvu rada i socijalne politike

Naziv firme:
Ministarstvo rada i socijalne politike - Uprava za rodnu ravnopravnost


Rok prijave:


Opis posla:

Stažista/kinja u institucijama koje se bave seksualnim i rodno zasnovanim nasiljem


Projekat: Borba protiv seksualnog i rodno zasnovanog nasilja

Trajanje: Tri meseca (biće napravljena lista kandidata/kinja koji će se određenim redom i po potrebi primati na angažman po tri meseca u određenim institucijama tokom 2010. godine)

Opis projekta:

Ministarstvo rada i socijalne politike - Uprava za rodnu ravnopravnost ima za cilj da doprinese smanjenju socijalne isključenosti i promovisanju pravičnog razvoja, što treba da osigura da svi članovi društva osete jednake koristi od ostvarenog razvoja. Da bi se to omogućilo, neophodno je, između ostalog, da se osiguraju jednake mogućnosti i ravnopravnost žena i muškaraca. Uprava za rodnu ravnopravnost posmatra rodnu ravnopravnost kao preduslov za inkluzivan, demokratski i održivi razvoj i u njene nadležnosti ulazi rad na sprečavanju i suzbijanju nasilja nad ženama, osnaživanju žena i unapređivanju rodne ravnopravnosti u svim sferama javnog i privatnog života, zasnovan na shvatanjima da rodna ravnopravnost predstavlja istovremeno pro-evropsko opredeljenje, razvojni cilj i jedno od osnovnih ljudskih prava.

U Nacionalnoj strategiji za poboljšanje položaja žena i unapređivanje rodne ravnopravnosti (2009-2015), usvojenoj od strane Vlade Republike Srbije 13. februara 2009. godine definisano je šest prioritetnih oblasti, u skladu sa identifikovanim potrebama našeg društva i u skladu sa preporukama koje je Komitet UN za sprovođenje Konvencije o eliminaciji svih oblika diskriminacije žena (CEDAW) uputio Vladi Republike Srbije. Borba protiv nasilja nad ženama prepoznata je kao jedan od šest najviših prioriteta u Srbiji. Razlog tome je što nasilje nad ženama izaziva ogromne socijalne i ekonomske troškove i krši ljudska prava žena, podriva njihov doprinos razvoju, miru i bezbednosti. Nasilje nad ženama predstavlja veliki rizik i može da ugrozi ostvarenje usaglašenih razvojnih ciljeva, uključujući i milenijumske ciljeve razvoja. U društvu postoji visok nivo tolerancije za rodno zasnovano nasilje, a većina žrtava nije upoznata sa svojim pravima. Sistem prikupljanja podataka o žrtvama seksualnog i rodno zasnovanog nasilja (SRZN) je nedovoljno razvijen, ali bez obzira na to istraživanja i iskustva organizacija civilnog društva (OCD) koje pružaju usluge žrtvama nasilja otkrivaju visoke stope fizičkog i psihološkog nasilja, od kojih većina nikad ne bude prijavljena državnim institucijama.

Ministarstvo rada i socijalne politike - Uprava za rodnu ravnopravnost uz finansijsku podršku Vlade Kraljevine Norveške i uz stručnu i tehničku saradnju i podršku u obezbeđivanju ispunjenja međunarodnih standarda od strane Programa Ujedinjenih nacija za razvoj (u daljem tekstu UNDP) počinje sprovođenje projekta „Borba protiv seksualnog i rodno zasnovanog nasilja" (u daljem tekstu Projekat SRZN). Pored Nacionalne strategije za poboljšanje položaja žena i unapređivanje rodne ravnopravnosti Projekat SRZN je zasnovan na međunarodnim dokumentima u oblasti nasilja nad ženama, kao i na zaključcima Nacionalne konferencije o nasilju nad ženama održane 2007. godine.

Cilj Projekta SRZN je jačanje kapaciteta Uprave za rodnu ravnopravnost (URR) u okviru Ministarstva rada i socijalne politike za razvoj i uvođenje sistemskih rešenja u oblasti SRZN, jačanje kapaciteta ustanova i institucija koje se bave zaštitom žrtava nasilja, kao i ustanovljavanje i primenjivanje mehanizama koji će obezbediti postupanje u skladu s međunarodnim obavezama vezanim za ljudska prava u oblasti seksualnog i rodno zasnovanog nasilja (SRZN). Projekat takođe ima za cilj jačanje zakonodavnog okvira u oblasti zaštite žrtava nasilja, razvoj standardnih procedura i protokola o postupanju relevantnih institucija, razvoj koherentnog sistema za prikupljanje podataka o SRZN i podizanje svesti javnosti i građana/ki o neprihvatljivosti nasilja kao modela ponašanja u cilju doprinosa stvaranju socijalnog ambijenta koji bi imao preventivnu funkciju. Osnovne aktivnosti biće usmerene ka uvođenju SRZN pitanja u plan i program nadležnih institucija, razvoj kapaciteta državnih službenika/ca, razvoj standarda za zvaničnu statistiku, podršku horizontalne i vertikalne komunikacije ključnih aktera u borbi protiv SRZN, razvoj programa za izvršioce dela nasilja, unapređenja pristupa uslugama za žrtve nasilja i kampanje informisanja.

Dužnosti i odgovornosti:

Opis radnog zadatka:

Stažiranje će se odvijati u institucijama koje se bave seksualnim i rodno zasnovanim nasiljem sa više različitih aspekata. Program rada stažista/kinja će napraviti institucija u kojoj se sprovodi stažiranje. Stažista/kinja je u obavezi da se pridržava plana i programa i da pruži ugovorom definisanu pomoć u radu, kao i administrativnu, logističku i tehničku podršku.

Merljivi rezultati radnog zadatka:

  • Praćenje plana i programa rada koji je predviđen u instituciji u kojoj se sprovodi stažiranje
  • Ispunjavanje radnih obaveza definisanih ugovorom
  • Pružanje pomoći u radu zaposlenima u instituciji
  • Pružanje administrativne, logističke i tehničke podrške u okviru institucije
  • Pisanje mesečnih izveštaja o radu i ličnom napretku
  • Vršenje ostalih dužnosti po nalogu

Pokazatelji uspešnosti:

  • Ispunjeni radni zadaci predviđeni planom i programom institucije
  • Pružena pomoć u radu zaposlenih u instituciji
  • Pružena administrativna, logistička i tehnička podrška u radu institucije
  • Dostavljeni izveštaji na kraju svakog meseca Timu projekta SRZN

Veštine i sposobnosti:

  • Veštine održavanja međuljudskih odnosa, ophođenje sa svima na isti način, bez pristrasnosti
  • Senzitivnost i prilagodljivost u pogledu kulturne i rodne pripadnosti, veroispovesti, rasne i nacionalne pripadnosti i starosne dobi
  • Sposobnost fokusiranja na efekte i rezultate i pozitivno odgovaranje na povratne komentare
  • Pristup u radu sa entuzijazmom, na pozitivan i konstruktivan način
  • Veštine usmene i pisane komunikacije
  • Poznavanje engleskog jezika
  • Upotreba kompjutera, poznavanje Microsoft Office-a

Projekat finansijski podržava Vlada Kraljevine Norveške

Kriterijumi za prijavu:

Stručna sprema i radno iskustvo:

  • Završena srednja škola
  • Završna godina fakulteta ili diploma fakulteta stečena u poslednje dve godine ili studiranje na poslediplomskim studijama u oblasti društvenih nauka
  • Radno iskustvo nije potrebno
Šta je potrebno poslati u prijavi:

Zainteresovani/e kandidati/kinje treba da dostave kratke biografije i motivaciono pismo, sa naznakom da konkurišu za stažiranje u naslovu elektronske poruke koju će poslati na srzn@minrzs.gov.rs najkasnije do 15.01.2011. godine. Svi kandidati/kinje će biti obavešteni/e o prijemu prijave. Samo kandidati/kinje koji uđu u uži izbor biće pozvani na razgovor.

Adresa na koju se šalje prijava:


(Izvor podataka: www.infostud.com, 10.12.2010.)

Last Updated (Friday, 10 December 2010 07:17)


3rd Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Social and Political Theorists

3rd Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Social and Political TheoristsMesto:Beograd , Srbija
Opšte informacije: 

The Third Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Social and Political Theorists is in 2011 moving to Belgrade! More precisely, it is coming to the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.

Ever since its inception in 1808, the Faculty of Law offered in its curriculum courses dealing with legal theory and political philosophy. This theoretical tradition was developed under the strong influence of the major European continental schools of thought, most notably German and French, not least due to the fact that a number of future professors at the Belgrade Faculty of Law received their doctoral degrees at some of the prestigious universities in those countries. With the ever-growing influence of the Anglo-American theorists in the second half of the last century, this has become an additional source of inspiration for the development of legal, social and political theoretical thought at the Belgrade Faculty of Law. Rooted in this myriad of influences and oriented towards regional and global cooperation, the present Department for Theory, Philosophy and Sociology of Law of the Belgrade Faculty of Law is an ideal organizational focal point for the third venue of the Forum. It will be additionally supported by the organizational assistance of the Serbian section of the IVR.

Third Forum will be organized in the year of several tremendously important anniversaries for all those interested in the topics of legal theory and political philosophy. We will celebrate 100 years from the publication of the first important theoretical account of Hans Kelsen - Hauptprobleme der Staatsrechtslehre (1911). Furthermore, we will mark the 50-years anniversary of one of the most important contemporary books in legal theory - Herbert Hart´s The Concept of Law. Finally, 2011 Forum will also be an opportunity to assess the 40-years heritage of the most influential 20th century account of justice - John Rawls´s A Theory of Justice. In that respect, our intention is to organize majority of workshops within the two major general panels of the Third Forum - 20th Century Legacy of Legal Positivism and Justice after Rawls. Even though these two general themes are broad enough to meet diverse interests of the Forum´s participants, the organizers will, nonetheless, also convene the so-called Open panel for papers that might target some other interesting topics from the vast area of legal, political and social theory.

Način konkurisanja:

As in the previous Forums, the target audience of the conference are junior legal, political and social theorists coming from, currently studying or working in Central and Eastern Europe. The conference language is English. An up to 500 words abstract, indicating the preferable general panel, should be submitted in the available application form by 15 February to the e-mail forum2011@ius.bg.ac.rs. Acceptance of the papers will be communicated by 1 March 2011. Participation without presentation is possible as well.

Rok za konkurisanje:15.02.2011.

Detaljnije: 3rd Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Social and Political Theorists - Srbija - Seminar, putovanja - Infostud | Znanje http://znanje.infostud.com/seminari-putovanja-volonterski-programi/3rd_Central_and_Eastern_European_Forum_for_Young_Legal_Social_and_Political_Theorists/2162?utm_source=mejling_lista_znanje&utm_campaign=seminari_2010-12-06&utm_medium=sadrzaj#ixzz17Jc4xmpK


(Izvor podataka: infostud.com, 6.12.2010.)

Last Updated (Monday, 06 December 2010 08:02)

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