
Internet konferencija PlusConf

Internet konferencija PlusConf

Želite čuti predavanja osnivača internet projekata KISSmetrics, Flowtown, BuySellAds ili Appsuma?

Internet konferencija PlusConf ponudit će vam da 7. decembra uživo pratite predavanja osnivača spomenutih startupa u kojima će oni govoriti o tome što su naučiti stvarajući ih.

Sve što morate učiniti je prijaviti se na PlusConfovoj web stranici.

Nakon toga se 7. decembra samo priključite na njihov prenos uživo koji ćete moći pratiti putem videa, audia pa čak i iPada od 18 sati po CET-u. Osim slušanja predavačima ćete moći postaviti i pitanja koja možda vas muče.

PlusConf je potpuno besplatna internet konferencija, a zanimljivo je što ju je pokrenuo Hrvat, 17-godišnji web dizajner Benjamin Alijagić. Benjamin je želio sudjelovati na sličnim konferencijama, ali je ubrzo shvatio kako nema nijednog ispod 100 ili 200 dolara što je mnogima pa i njemu bilo skupo.

Nakon nekoliko stotina e-mailova s potencijalnim predavačima, uz podršku OnStartupsa pokreće PlusConf.

Na PlusConfu će učestvovati šest predavača, osnivača vrlo zanimljivih američkih i kanadskih internet projekata:

  • Dan Martell, suosnivač Flowtowna, pokazaće 5 načina kako podbaciti u customer developmentu;
  • Allan Branch, jedan od osnivača Less Accounting, navešće 5 stvari koje su ga roditelji naučili o poslovanju i kako mu je to pomoglo;
  • Todd Garland, osnivač oglašivačke mreže BuySellAds, otkriće kako je pokrenuo svoj startup uz puno radno vreme u drugoj kompaniji;
  • Noah Kagan, osnivač AppSuma, navešće 10 načina kako možete upropastiti svoj startup;
  • Hiten Shah, suoosnivač analitičkog startupa KISSmetrics, govoriće upravo o tome kako kvalitetnim metrikama možete doneti bolje poslovne odluke.
  • David Cancel, direktor Performablea, navešće zašto je sredina najgore mesto za vaš startup.

Neki od PlusConfovih predavača...

PlusConfovi predavači nisu možda najpoznatiji među silnim osnivačima internet startupa u svetu, ali imaju uspešne projekte od kojih sigurno možete nešto naučiti. S obzirom na cenu (odnosno njen nedostatak), zašto ne biste odvojili jedno poslepodne i poslušali PlusConf?

Na PlusConf se možete prijaviti već danas na njihovoj web stranici...

Izvor: http://www.netokracija.com/plusconf-konferencija-startup-4882

Prilikom informisanja i/ili prijavljivanja na predavanje i/ili konferenciju pozovite se na znanje.infostud.com

Detaljnije: Predavanje, konferencija, strucna udruzenja, organizacije, obuka, usavršavanje - Infostud | Znanjehttp://znanje.infostud.com/konferencije/Internet_konferencija_PlusConf/1205?utm_source=mejling_lista_znanje&utm_campaign=seminari_2010-12-06&utm_medium=sadrzaj#ixzz17JbV7Kb7

(Izvor informacija: www.infostud.com)


The First Freedoms: Mihajlov's Quest for Democracy and Human Rights

The First Freedoms: Mihajlov's Quest for Democracy and Human RightsMesto:Pasadena , SAD
Opšte informacije:

All friends, colleagues, students, and admirers of Mihajlo Mihajlov (1934-2010) are cordially invited to participate in a re- assessment of his life, work, and legacy whose significance reaches well beyond Tito's Yugoslavia, the Balkans, and Eastern Europe. Mihajlov's quest for democracy and human rights is an inspiration for all who strive for an open society, pluralism, and tolerance. An indefatigable human rights champion, Mihajlov's example contributed to the rise of dissent, civic culture, and civil society which ushered in momentous changes culminating in the peaceful revolution in Eastern Europe and the demise of Soviet rule. Mihajlov's first freedoms - speech, thought, press, assembly, association, philosophical, political and religious persuasion - remain a continuing challenge, East and West, North and South. Curiously, Mihajlov's thought offers a conceptual bridge between Westernizers and Slavophiles, while his universalism helped him befriend dissidents of all ethnic groups. Indeed, Mihajlov's was a universal message of individual freedom and social justice. His undogmatic spirituality and central conception of human dignity drew on Russian religious philosophy. The question arises: Can the quest for global democracy and basic human rights and freedoms be realized in a world of competing socio-economic, political, and ethno-national interests and ideologies? Can equality be reconciled with liberty? And, can science and technology be harnessed to serve, rather than enslave, humanity?

FIRST FREEDOMS interdisciplinary theme endeavors to bring together scholars from a wide range of disciplines and denominations. We invite all colleagues for an exciting conference which takes both scholarship and faith seriously.

Način konkurisanja:

Participants are encouraged to attend the entire conference to enhance dialogue, synergy, and synthesis, as well as fellowship.
Presenting a paper is not a prerequisite for participation. Indicate if you prefer to serve as discussant. Family members enjoy the reduced student registration rate.

Abstracts (250 words), including Title, First & Last Name, faculty or student, mailing address, phone & e-mail, send to Dr. O. Gruenwald, JIS Editor.

Email: go@jis3.org

Rok za konkurisanje:30.12.2010.

Detaljnije: The First Freedoms: Mihajlov's Quest for Democracy and Human Rights - SAD - Seminar, putovanja - Infostud | Znanje http://znanje.infostud.com/seminari-putovanja-volonterski-programi/The_First_Freedoms_Mihajlovs_Quest_for_Democracy_and_Human_Rights/2159?utm_source=mejling_lista_znanje&utm_campaign=seminari_2010-12-06&utm_medium=sadrzaj#ixzz17JaI6NNC

(Izvor informacija: www.infostud.com, 6.12.2010.)


Persistent Conflict in the 21st Century

Persistent Conflict in the 21st CenturyMesto:London , Velika Britanija
Opšte informacije: 

Much of the scholarly debate about contemporary conflicts has focused on root causes and other factors that relate to the initiation of conflict. Much less attention has been directed to understanding why contemporary conflicts are so difficult to end. Once set in motion, violent conflict tends to persist, recur, mutate, and spread across borders as currently seen in places like Afghanistan, Somalia, or Yemen. It has been estimated that the average duration of civil war has increased from two to fifteen years over the past half century and that fifty percent of peace agreements collapse within five years. This conference will put the issues of conflict duration, persistence, and recurrence front and center and will seek to shed light on these understudied and under-theorized dimensions of contemporary conflict.

The conference seeks to foster a multi-disciplinary discussion that draws on a broad range of methods and intellectual resources in the social sciences. We invite proposals for papers particularly from advanced PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, early-career academics and practitioners, that address any of the three broad themes of the conference.

*Conflict Duration and the Stages of Conflict: *The conflict literature has been dominated by discussions of economic and political causes of civil war; for example, the debate about ‘greed and grievance' and the ‘root causes' paradigm. Are these approaches useful in explaining the duration of armed conflicts? Are drives of conflict inception and conflict persistence different? Much of the academic and policy debate has also followed a linear understanding of the stages of conflict and has emphasized the importance of sequencing in international responses, from conflict prevention and crisis management to stabilization and post-conflict reconstruction. The conference will examine the benefits and drawbacks of this paradigm and consider whether the focus on conflict persistence and recurrence is useful in interrogating the assumptions implied in this way of thinking about conflict.**

*Drivers of Conflict Persistence: *The literature has begun to conceptualize the issue of persistence and to theorize some of the 
factors associated with prolonged and recurrent conflict. However, the emphasis so far has been primarily on material factors such as capabilities and resources, which calls for a more sustained examination of the role of agency. Key characteristics of contemporary wars involve organized crime, informal economic activities, human rights violations, and other abuses of power. How are these and other developments related to prolonged and recurrent political violence? Moreover, those who employ violence and those targeted by it routinely offer up normative and identity-based arguments couched in the language of legitimacy, be it religious or political, local or international. This calls for examination of the relationship between narratives and ideological frameworks and their adaptation over time, on one side, and the evolving dynamics of conflict, on the other. **

*External Interventions:* Quantitative evidence on the effects of external interventions (military, economic, or mixed) in prolonged conflicts is mixed. Recent qualitative research has argued that development aid may inadvertently do more harm than good in situations of conflict and fragility. Important questions arise about the impact of external interventions on conflict persistence. For example: What is the role of different forms of external intervention in creating an enabling environment for persistent conflict? Can interventions give rise to perverse incentives that favor extended conflict, or empower various actors who benefit from instability or engage in practices that militate against the emergence of peace? **

Način konkurisanja:

Please send a CV and a paper abstract of 300-500 words to Tom Kirk at t.kirk@lse.ac.uk by *4 January 2011. *For other enquiries, please contact the conference convenor Dr. Iavor Rangelov at i.p.rangelov@lse.ac.uk

Rok za konkurisanje:04.01.2011.

Detaljnije: Persistent Conflict in the 21st Century - Velika Britanija - Seminar, putovanja - Infostud | Znanje http://znanje.infostud.com/seminari-putovanja-volonterski-programi/Persistent_Conflict_in_the_21st_Century/2161?utm_source=mejling_lista_znanje&utm_campaign=seminari_2010-12-06&utm_medium=sadrzaj#ixzz17JZBVNxt


(Izvor podataka: www.infostud.com, 6.12.2010.)


Могућности усавршавања за студенте техничких факултета

16 akademskih kurseva širom EU
četvrtak, 02 decembar 2010 08:28
muzika1BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) je neprofitna i apolitička studentska organizacija, koju sačinjavaju i vode iskljucivo studenti. Čini je više od 80 Lokalnih BEST Grupa (LBG) na isto toliko univerziteta, u preko 30 zemalja širom Evrope. BEST pomaže studentima da postanu internacionalno orijentisani, da bolje razumeju druge kulture i društva i da razviju kapacitete za rad u kulturološki raznolikim okruženjima.

Glavna aktivnost BEST-a je omogućavanje komplementarnog obrazovanja za studente, kao značajne dopune obrazovanju koje je već obezbeđeno na univerzitetu. Svake godine, Lokalne BEST Grupe organizuju kurseve koji su podeljeni u 4 sezone (po godišnjim dobima). Ovog proleća, organizuje se 16 akademskih kurseva, različitih tema iz oblasti tehničkih i tehnoloških nauka, kao i iz oblasti menadžmenta, ekonomije, zaštite životne sredine...

Prijavljivanje na kurseve se sastoji od sledećih koraka:

1. otovorite nalog na sajtu http://www.best.eu.org/
2. odaberete kurs na koji želite da odete, kliknete na opciju ''Apply'' (obratite samo pažnju na to da neki kursevi zahtevaju prethodno znanje, kao i na to da se možete prijaviti na najviše 3 kursa u jednoj sezoni)
3. otkucate i pošaljete zanimljivo motivaciono pismo na engleskom jeziku (savete pogledajte ovde:http://www.best.eu.org/student/courses/howToWriteAMotivationLetter.jsp)
4. bićete obavešteni od strane Lokalne BEST Grupe kada treba da dođete na validaciju naloga. Validacija predstavlja način provere redovnosti nekog studenta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu na osnovu overenog indexa
5. Da biste putovali ne treba vam previsok prosek, a nije ni obavezno da budete član BEST-a
6. Smeštaj i hrana su plaćeni, kao i participacija! Vi plaćate samo put koji sami organizujete!

Spisak svih kurseva i detaljnije informacije o temama, terminima i mestima njihovog održavanja, možete naći na sledećem sajtu:


Sva pitanja šaljite na:  novisad@best.eu.org
Rok za prijsvljivanje je 19. decembar.


(Извор: www.youth.org.rs, текст преузет у изворном облику)

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